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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Year-End Blog 2014

#foldabots #Trosonator #SIKLO4TB7 #WhoLetBangisOut #PesteRangers #RevengeOfKontrolion #NuShoArrives #ToyBook7 #TheFoldabotsFinalBlog

After getting both the Toy Book and the K-Zone December issue recently, it's good we got the remaining parts for Trosonator, which of course completes the gestalt. The pattern not only has the gestalt head I've been waiting for, but also it had some of the (un)necessary parts you need to add onto the individual Trosobots. Not to mention the logs included for added playability. You can even place these logs onto Trosotron (which can be found on Toy Book 6) in place of real twigs or Pocky. Now, the feet and hands are glued on the respective limbs, just refer to the instructions found on that issue. So in summary, it's your choice if you want to place the extra parts like in the illustration, or alter it a bit, or even leaving them out. I prefer the gestalt hands can be interchanged with the pincers and rake from Salanta and Panganib, while you can either have the large feet or just the short tabs from Pinsala and Gambala. It's also seen on the art, Trosonator's back has the two hydraulic arms joined together, you can do that or keep them in the legs like Fourze's Hand module on his leg which is sometimes hard especially on Gambala.

I think Toy Book 7 is the best volume yet, for veteran fans and me. MP Bangis and Nu-Sho are the main highlight of this year and I realized that Bangis has a page more than Astig from TB4. Nu-Sho in the other hand, is a redesign of Nuno from TB2 like Ultimate Buhawi from TB6. (Spoiler: Tikbalang joins him and becomes a Lutabot, possibly the first Lutabot of 2015.) Reissuing Siklo is another one of the must haves since it took years of waiting before we finally got him again in card, aside from using Kislap or Rampa's base pattern and adding his sidecar slash platform which is not the Hooded Cloak design, neither mine. Lastly, you get the full Supremobot and Pestebot set which I also love. And to newbies out there, if you built your Komyutatron from Toy Book 6 and Kontrolion from Toy Book 7, you are now able to recreate Komyutatrolion, the super gestalt I came up. And if you have Toy Book 4's Mikrokosmos still 100% complete and the pens from Toy Book 6, you can relive the story arc of the tiny rivalry between Guhitron and his Mikrobots and Sulatron and his Pestebots.

This is just about everything Folda-Fans, I'm so sad that this will be my final blog, aside from it's my birthday today. Don't know why, but it's my decision to stop. Well, the blog will still be here if you want some free patterns, but I won't make new ones in the months to come. I've been a Folda-Fan for over 5 years, and it's enough for me. Well, before I finish, let's look back at the Foldabots of 2014, which started with Elisiyo, the bomber plane made by Jhine Clarenz Manapiis. However the main highlight of the year was this bitter rivalry made by two fan creations, which was Lester Bernaldez' Likastron and Malvin Roix Orense's Trosonator, which covered the rest of this year. And as a bonus, Toy Book 7 fulfilled wishes of Folda-Fans to get Siklo finally reissued, aside from two gestalts, and more.

Oh, why no patterns? Well, I'll be throwing in one last time a set of patterns since it is the final blog.


That's all, I will not give you extra info about these...

And this has been THE FOLDABOTS BLOG, serving Folda-Fans for 2 years...


Goodbye, you guys...