Friday, June 14, 2024

Breaking the Ice

Before I go back into more Foldabots, I just want to bring this serious matter up, just so you know what really happened.

I had to admit, I once committed a crime that I wasn't aware of. This ultimately sparked off into making me an outcast of the Foldabots fandom because of this. It's just... I thought all of this trouble is over, yet there are still people who still believes me as a creep... even though I am doing my best to let go of this putrid habit myself and be a changed man for the better.

The whole incident began way back in 2015-'16, back when I was still RPs at DeviantArt, and I came across this one person who would ultimately lure me like some succubus. I was suffering from unrequited love in hoping I could find someone to talk to. So much, that I was doing the worst ways I could think of, until she was sick of it and blocked me in around July 2019, leaving me into throwing tantrums like there's no tomorrow, until I was all but in ruins. Even since then, I've decided to quit doing RPs and move on from my dark past once and for all.

Since then, I had been quiet for the past couple of years after the incident trying my best to rehabilitate myself, but little did I know, that someone had spread DeviantArt journals of my misbehavior over Facebook, that had left everyone scarred in sheer reality, that this one person who was once a good friend had become a creep. It was an old friend who messaged me over at Discord and told me all about the leak, which left me speechless and at the same time dismayed of myself over an incident that happened half a decade ago. He said I should make a formal apology to the people I've harassed including that one girl, which I could've done sooner, if only I was civil and brave enough to face the music. But I had to do it, I had to pay the ultimate price.

I thought this was enough to convince everyone to prove my forgiveness...

At this point, it's getting harder and harder for me to live my internet life normally like everyone else, as long as I still stand accused of my crimes. But I still want to believe that I can still change my ways no matter the cost. Although I had so many stuff planned to share in the near future such as the remakes, remasters, everything in between, I've decided that I will not continue on with The Foldabots Blog anymore until all of this problem have been completely settled. I'm not sure when will I return, but when I do, I will pick up where I left. I just... can't stand this anymore, and I just want to enjoy being a Foldabots fan peacefully without worries, even if the price is my trust in everyone I know in the fandom.

And so, I bid you all goodbye and thank you for reading.

This has been The Foldabots Blog, now signing off.


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Wonderful Mix (Part 2): New Deckron

Continuing on with part 2 of my Independence Day Special post, we'll be taking a look at my revision of Deckron. But before we begin, please do check out the original version here.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Independence Day Special: Wonderful Mix (Part 1)

This is basically the first time I will do a blog post on exactly June 12, after this one, which was a Pre-Independence Day Special. Today, on The Foldabots Blog, I will be showcasing some of my now free patterns which I've made between 2018 and 2023, back when I wasn't much active anymore in the Foldabots scene, yet still experimenting on new designs that are either hit or miss. Foldabots RE:MIX '18, as mentioned in the last post, was a mix of good and bad designs I've tried out at the time. Before we go into the remix again, let's look at one of my original non-Foldabots design, and perhaps a personal favorite, Wonder Vanguard.

Friday, June 7, 2024

6/6: New Era, New Plans

(Originally, this post is going to be uploaded on June 6, but unfortunately, I took until midnight of June 7 to finish this one.)
Update as of June 12: I've noticed a few typos and grammar errors, which I had to fix, and added additional info on Re:MegaMix Higantechron

Over the past few days, I've been somehow busy coming up with future projects once after I'm done with the ongoing ones, such as making some hotfixes on one of my Foldabots Deluxe patterns and what characters will be appearing in Foldabots Re:MegaMix before I begin writing the story. Since I've been using mainly Inkscape and a new design template for all of my new designs, I've thought about remastering a lot of my older designs and give them the modern era treatment. Speaking of which, back in 2018, a year after my last post before the hiatus, I've managed to remake some of the Foldabots from Foldabots Remix, which again, was and is a failed prequel of MegaMix, unless I'll give it another try in the reboot continuity.