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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Foldabots: Tribe Wars [Final Season]


After two great seasons, John Dave Salazar's web series Foldabots: Tribe Wars makes its final season. The season focuses on lots of death scenes but shorter episodes. Although I did my part to be the Pestebots from the last season, I never took part of this season anymore. I'm still very happy about this final episode being the most epic one of all. What's also new was there are subtitles on the episodes, pretty smart for those who don't understand what the characters were saying.

Episode Eleven: Dying Ember (Liyab vs. Tambak)

Released on 8 June 2013
John Dave Salazar as Liyab and Tambak

Liyab finds himself in a conflict with the Lutabot Tambak who was sent by Lu-Sho to destroy our hero. Tambak pulled out Liyab's arm and rams at him, until his fist bursts through Liyab's chest where his Agimat is. Considering this as one of the many fatalities in this season. And take note of the videos are like an old movie.

Episode Twelve: Cat Fight (Kislap vs. Violeta)
Released on 15 June 2013 (*According to the creator, it was released on the same date as with the rest of the first 4 episodes of this season.)
DJDNDK as Kislap and Violeta

After Tambak became successful with his plan. Kislap is out to find Liyab but she was too late. Suddenly, Violeta showed up shooting her Lutant projectile, and told that Liyab was indeed killed by Tambak. At the end, Kislap was struck by this dirty cupid's arrow and died.

Episode Thirteen: A Mysterious Hunter (Bangis vs. Pangil)
Released on 22 June 2013*
Dan Carlo Pidigan as Bangis and Pangil

Bangis was wandering around the forest until he saw this saber-toothed tiger appearing from out of nowhere. Pangil then shoots his icicle onto Bangis and kills the weak and innocent Foldabot. This gives you an idea of how Pangil stole Bangis' 'AnimalSkin' ability. Take note this is also Pidigan's first and only episode he did.

Episode Fourteen: Into the Heat (Ukay vs. Abominator)
Released on 20 July 2013*
John Dave Salazar as Ukay
Jeve Rafael Macabiog as Abominator

Ukay arrives at a volcano (Spoiler: this is not Mt. Taal, this could be Mt. Apo) and finds Abominator inside the volcano heating it up causing to go up and smoke. Abominator in the end, falls himself into the lava, leaving Ukay the victor. You might find that after this scenario, Ukay rejoins with his fellow Element robots to save Neo-Republika from Lutabots attacking the city. In the midst of the war, Elementron was slain by the brainwashed Foldabots turned Lutabots.

Episode Fifteen: The Final Encounter (Buhawi with Bakunawa Dragon vs. Lu-Sho)
Released on 9 August 2013
John Dave Salazar as all the characters in this episode

We have come to the final episode of the series where Buhawi and Bakunawa finally face the big boss himself. Lu-Sho has finally got what he wanted--DOMINATION! With the Dragon down, Buhawi unleashes a powerful AGIMAT FLASH drawn from the spirits of the fallen Foldabots to vanquish the evil Lu-Sho once and for all. It also had flashbacks from the past fourteen episodes where each had shed a tear and cried for victory.

As a bonus, John Dave dressed up as Tambak at the end scene wrapping up the series for good. I thank him for creating a successful series like Foldabots: Tribe Wars. He is back with a review show where he showcases official and unofficial works from the world of Foldabots. And if you got time, be sure to check out his YouTube channel for more of his videos.

And to close this blog, I would like to say a Happy Birthday to The Foldabots Blog and I'll be back soon with a new blog, next week. So stick around!

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