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Saturday, January 31, 2015

SALIMAO by John Dave Salazar (Hooded Cloak)

#TheFoldabotsBlog #foldabots

On this day, after my trip to the supermarket to buy stuff to stock for the next month, I also picked up the February K-Zone as a compliment to the haul. What I noticed, after I took a look on the Lutabot of the month, Gadya, he was said to be the leader of the Zoobots due to the fact he forms the torso. Also, he is the first of the four winning entries of that contest. Reynell John Sicat is the creator of this massive elephant Lutabot. But we are going to save these up until Zootron gets finished in May, aside from Foldabots' 9th Anniversary.

Speaking of elephants, let's look at another elephant who's a lot more peaceful than Gadya. This is SALIMAO, made by of course, the same guy who made Rakistatron, his versions of Siklo and Pasada, and some based from works from fellow Folda-Fans and himself.

About the pattern, he's basically made from Sungay's design, with bits of alterations which includes dropping the use of paperclips to hold the legs in place, and adding basic arms to the Foldabot. Tusks are still removable due to the concept used from Sungay. Salimao is also based on San Pedro Rafael (I tried to Google for this but I can't see the specific thing Hoodie mentioned.) The tail however is from Umbok or Tulos. His pattern can be seen at Hooded Cloak's DeviantArt at this link:

1. Download and print the pattern on any size paper but keep it in original size when printing.
2. Cut out the pattern by following the RED outlines, the fold the BLUE inside lines.
3. Glue MAIN BODY to itself, glue ARMS and BACK onto MAIN BODY, and glue LEGS onto BACK.
4. Glue EARS and attach TUSKS onto ELEPHANT HEAD, then glue ELEPHANT HEAD onto BACK to finish.

For more of Hooded Cloak's free patterns and artworks done by him, please do check out his DA gallery @ http://jodasalz1129.deviantart.com

With almost halfway done with Zootron, we still have three more members to uncover, but that will be on a another blog in the near future. I might make new Foldabots which is another X-Over or not, and about the last blog, I also haven't took a picture of how the LEGO vehicles will combine as a robot. I promise I will post you the video on how it's done and snapshots of the finished product over here on The Foldabots Blog. Until then, this has been The Foldabots Blog, WE'LL SEE YOU NEXT TIME!

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