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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Make Your Own Foldabot!

#foldabots #TheFoldabotsBlog #FoldabotsMini

I recently finished the first wave of blank templates which I promised a while back, and jut like I mentioned on my blog from May, the templates will have parts which you can choose to make your Foldabot or Lutabot unique. I was going to release them later next month, but since I finished just some of the designs, I decided to show them right now.

About the Templates

Each of the templates have minimal design for you to customize, especially on the Foldabot mode where only an Agimat chest is present and if you want to make it into a Lutabot, just draw a Lutant over it, and you're good to go! Choosing which Main Body part and what parts you want to go with it has never been this easy, thanks to a very simple method where you can choose the parts (except for ARMS most of the time) by shading the oval beside the part label. Once drawn the chosen parts, you can now cut out these pieces and build your own Foldabot. These patterns are free to download so you can print these using best quality thin white cardboard paper.


Here, you can write down your character's information, its abilities, and its alt mode. However, the specs of your character can be found on the pattern templates. Like I mentioned in that blog, the specs follow the standard Foldabot specification, and to fill that up you must shade the boxes from left to right.

Sorry if this image is not rotated, but you'll get the idea.

TEMPLATE 1: Coupe / Pickup

CANOPY types AA and AB can have as much as 4 possible shapes, and 6 different placements. That's 24 different combinations you can make! Whereas CANOPY type B can have as much as 3 different placements. It's up to you to make his utility item. (Accessories will be released in the future.)

TEMPLATE 2: Delivery Truck / Tanker / Jeepney

To make the Tanker, omit folding the lines on the BOX. Instead, curl and glue to itself by placing one gray end on top of the other, then glue onto the MAIN BODY. The jeepney's visor can also be omitted for variation.

TEMPLATE 3: Bus / Train / Submarine/ Van / Ambulance

For a submarine, use MAIN BODY type B. The siren lights can be omitted.

TEMPLATE 4: Jet / F1 Car

The wing parts can be placed differently depending on your preference.

TEMPLATE 5: Helicopter / Car Carrier Trailer

Nothing special about this picture.

TEMPLATE 6: Truck Cab / Construction Vehicle

The CANOPY for type A can be placed in 4 possible placements.

In addition, if you're planning to make a combiner, don't worry, all of the templates are enough to make at least 6 unique Minis (7 unless you choose both from Template 4.) And also look forward to some nice add-ons for your Foldabots such as utility parts for the pickup and combiner hands and head, which will be on another pattern which will be released soon.

I hope you the Folda-Fans would like and use this for your creations, and don't forget to credit The Foldabots Blog for using these stock patterns. And as always, please leave a comment if you have suggestions, and until then, this has been The Foldabots Blog, we'll see you next time.


  1. thanks for the templates, btw, where can i buy the paper that i need to use for these? thanks

  2. you can use regular paper

  3. Greetings! May I know what software you are using in making your own foldabots and templates? Thank you!
