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Magmatron: Revisited + Alpha

It had been 6 months since my last blog, and just after some anonymous stranger sent me a scan of the last Magmabot I've been missing fo...

Thursday, February 6, 2014


In this blog, we’ll be looking back at James Edward Salazar’s Giyerabots. Take note that James is not a relative of John Dave. Some of the alterations were the open van of Dala was the cause of instability, so I decided to give him a roof instead to make Giyeratron standing perfectly.  The rest of the patterns were remained unchanged. Here below are the IMPROVED patterns which you can download for free.

Alteration: Agimat glow is fixed.
Alterations: Agimat glow fixed, bars on arch fixed.
Alteration: Agimat glow fixed.
Alterations: Agimat glow fixed, added roof for stability.
Alteration: Agimat glow fixed.
To get VERDE and MARILA'S full pattern, go to this link: http://ejsotto.blogspot.com/2012/10/an-original-combiner-bahaghari.html

I also tested the patterns for Bahaghari and it worked out just fine, except for Verde and Marila’s canopy parts look very flat when they’re glued on. The alteration I made was to adjust the roof parts to make it bulge instead of being a sleeve. Below is the REPLACEMENT PARTS for Verde and Marila.
You can glue these parts instead of the ones one the patterns itself.

In addition, I found out that Magmatron has the weakest legs ever, unless you find a way to keep him standing straight. My best way was to put a paperclip on Abominator’s cannons, then attach them onto the back where Usok and Baga’s heads are. Technically, I tested it out on Malvin's original version, it could also work with the official version too. Well, that’s all for now, see you again on the next blog!

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