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Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween/Pre-Toy Book Launch Special 2014: Trosonator by Malvin Roix Orense

#foldabots #Trosonator #SIKLO4TB7 #WhoLetBangisOut #PesteRangers #RevengeOfKontrolion #NuShoArrives #ToyBook7 #TheFoldabotsBlog


Before we begin, I'll just inform everyone that as of the latest K-Zone issue, We finally got Panganib which fills the left arm slot. More on the Trosobots on this review.

Like I said, I will review them in reverse chronological order starting with the most recent member to the first member which is of course, the leader.

Also, if you want to get some more info, please refer to my good friend the Hooded Cloak for the bios, specs and extra info.


Let's begin with the simplest of the Trosobots, Panganib. Panganib is a farm tractor with 'a big rake'. Unlike the original Malvin Orense design, this seemed to be have less pieces, and like I expected, very easy to build this guy. Panganib forms Trosonator's left arm. My theory on the finished gestalt, Panganib's rake part make a nice claws like Magmatron (which was also made by Malvin), except it's on the left.


Next is Salanta, a lumber carrier built with a massive pincer like Dakotron's only it's joined in the middle. Like Panganib, Salanta has fewer pieces than the original, making it less complicated. Salanta forms the right arm of the gestalt, in which i would think the huge pincers would make the other hand instead of human-like hands that we could have expected before. Yes, it seemed that this newer version had a lot of changes and parts dropped due to the fact, that it could be useless later on.


Moving on, we have Gambala. He turns into this tree cutter which at first I have no such idea what it is. Of course, he also forms the left leg. The one great thing about this Lutabot, is he do lack the annoying foot piece, and it makes sense that on my idea, the little front tab makes up the new foot, for at least it's now built in. In addition, the orientation is also changed due to our new idea. Lastly, the claw piece can be removed for a reason, and one possible theory, it can replace Trosonator's old hands, but in my opinion, it could fail.


Coming up, is Pinsala. Unlike his comrades, he has treads instead of wheels. leaving the odd one behind when it comes to this. And like Gambala, he also has a crane arm also built with the same claw. The one impressive gimmick with Pinsala, is the whole crane arm part split into three which two would fit onto his arms and the 'Magic Hand' is left out. According to his bio, Pinsala forms the right leg and claw of Trosonator, which I would think it is fitted somewhere, especially the arms.


We come to the head honcho and the first Trosobot in the lineup, Gahaman. Similarly to the last two, Gahaman is a tree cutter with Ukay-esque crane arm, and the cockpit is different than the rest. And yes, Gahaman is the torso of the mighty gestalt Trosonator. When we last looked at Likastron, Batikron formed just the half of that body, leaving Kagwang in the end to fill up the remaining half thanks to those winged limbs which formed the waist.


Finally let's look at the combined (and incomplete) gestalt. In order to make the legs, you must fold Gahaman's rear wheels a bit before inserting them onto Gambala and Pinsala. In my opinion it makes Trosonator's legs less loose that way. Next, we need two paperclips to mount the other two onto Gahaman's arms. Originally, you need to clip Salanta and Panganib's heads in order to make the arms. But since the pincers and rake are better as hands, there's possibly no need for hands. Now, since I mentioned this as an incomplete set, it's because the gestalt head is missing after we got a glimpse at Panganib's pattern, and there's no picture and assembly instructions of Trosonator present. But don't lose hope, Folda-Fans, maybe just maybe, the head of Trosonator could be included with next month's Foldabot.

My First Reactions on Toy Book 7

"Wishes Fulfilled", this surprised me after seeing the double cover of the newest Foldabots Toy Book in the latest issue. Of course the hash tag campaign worked (somehow) and finally, just as I expected... SIKLO, AT LAST. But that's not only the reason why I wanted this, the next two gestalts after Komyutatron which is Kontrolion and Pestetron are also in this book, which is great for those who want to get them complete. Now, the biggest highlight of the volume is two new characters, one is actually the second Masterpiece Foldabot ever released, and that's Bangis. The other one is the new villain Nu-Sho, I know it's odd but if you followed the comic story lately, you'll see what we mean.

Well, since Trosonator is somewhat incomplete, I will be covering that on my birthday, which I will also get some more reactions on Toy Book 7. But for now, have a safe and happy halloween to all Folda-Fans, and as always, see you next time!

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